Qualified Assessment.
This is the checklist used for initial assessment of the horse and its history and future potential much like a pre purchase vet check, it studies the horse conformation, biomechanics, behaviour, health and performance history carefully. Not enough can be said for professional and qualified unbiased advise. Too many times I see riders going it alone, thinking they can figure it out, save money, listening to there friends, having a saddle fitted without a test ride without proven results, sold a saddle because it's the only one that will fit, leaving owners financially and emotionally drained and there horses stressed, unsound and unsuitable and unsafe to ride.
Yes it costs money for a Qualified saddle fitting, like any professional such as your vet, farrier or CHYRO we are trained professionals and specialists, so charge a fee for our professional advise and time-we are trained and qualified at what we do enabling us to offer this service to HELP YOU.
Test ride Evaluation.
Testing for suitability for the horse is only accurate if it suits the rider. The saddle should be comfortable, balanced and offer freedom without restriction for horse and rider, through all paces and should be done by a professional fitter who encourages coaches, vets, farriers or anyone involved with the horse so that the very best insight to the horse and rider so any issues may be addressed. A test ride should offer a range of models, fits and options to study horse and rider response to ea saddle tested, identify suitability to both horse and rider. Actions and results are recorded and recommendations can be identified.
Never purchase a saddle because it fits the horse statically(without a test ride)
Get a second Opinion. (One that is qualified to do so!)
Do not settle, shop around!
Try before you buy
Check your Purchase and Saddlefitting policy/ guarantee- it should include fit, tree and saddle.
Do your research-demand more information so you may make a fully educated decision
Invest in the trust of a qualified saddle fitting specialist-not only someone you employ in the initial purchase and fitting of your saddle, but for the maintenance and general care and servicing of it for the future.
At County Saddlery, Not only do we tell you what is best for you, but we can prove it!
We can fit any horse and any rider combination-we don't look at it like an obstacle-we find it a challenge!
We are specialists in our field and undertake international training with County Ltd. regularly to increase our knowledge offering unparalleled experience.
Our commitment to service, quality and performance is shown not only the success of some of the world’s top riders, but equally seen in the diehard county fans throughout Aust over the last 40 yrs, but in the relationships we have created with every horse and rider combination we meet and the success achieved, big or small.
Book your saddle fitting and Test ride today!
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